Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Zimmer und Sommerpläne

Freiburg, 23. - 26. Juli 2008.
ca. 12 e-mail Gesuche am Tag angeschrieben, gelesen, beantwortet...
ca. 34 Telefonate geführt
14 WG´s auf der Karte gesucht, gefunden und angeschaut
12 Gläser Leitungswasser getrunken
14x die Frage beantwortet: "Und was machst Du so?"
ca. 53 neue Gesichter (Studenten, pseudo-Studenten, Pysiker, eine Zimmerin mit Meistertitel, ein Dirigent, unzählige Pädagogen, Chemiker...)
und am Ende bleiben Carmen und Stefan (offen, liebenswert, gemeinschaftlich, kochbegeistert, Bio-Produkte einkaufend, musikalisch und noch viel mehr),
mit denen ich ab 15. September Haus (4-Zimmer Wohnung mit HOLZfussboden!), Hof, Bad, Küche, Wohnzimmer und 2 Balkone in einer schönen Gegend Freiburgs mit Vorstadt-Flair, teilen werde!!!

Details zu der Suche? Wären tatsächlich erwähnenswert, jedoch stecke ich in Freizeitvorbereitungen und schreibe vielleicht in ein paar Wochen noch etwas ausführlicher.
Ab morgen bin ich erstmal 2 Wochen in Frankreich - Sonne tanken, im Atlantik schwimmen, Schwaben genießen, predigen, zuhören, reden, lachen, essen, ...

So wünsche ich Euch nochmals einen wunderschönen Sommer, auf das die Sonne über Deutschland weitercampt! und freu mich schon ein paar von Euch ab Mitte August nochmal in Marburg zu treffen!
Alles Liebe!

Saturday, July 19, 2008


Über die letzten Tage und Wochen sinnierend bleibt dieses Wort honigsgleich in meinen Gedanken kleben.
Die Bibs-Zeit ist vorbei.
Drei Jahre Marburg liegen hinter mir. Punkt.
Was bleibt?
Ein sauberes, kaltes Zimmer, das ich und das mich etwas leer zurücklässt.
Freundschaften – gewonnene und verlorene - wie werden sie sich in den nächsten Monaten bewähren?
Nach dem Prüfungsstreß und den Verabschiedungen bleibt ein etwas unheimliches und auf jeden Fall unheimlich leeres Bibs-Gelände (ähm, MBS-Campus...) zurück.
Und was bleibt nun von dieser Zeit?
Bleibt wirklich ein gefüllter Kopf? Inspiriert und motiviert?
Immernoch mit dem jugendlichen Geist, auf jeden Fall die Welt verändern zu wollen?
Oder nun die erwachsene Sicht der Dinge einnehmend, den Bäfog Bescheid ad acta legend und der Realität folgend, nun für sich und seine Bröttchen selbst zu sorgen.
Schließt die eine Sicht die andere aus?
Hoffentlich nicht.
Der Blick in die Zukunft hinterlässt unglaublich freiheitliche und auch etwas ängstliche Gefühle.
Anne, die davon träumt irgendwann auf dem Land zu leben zieht es (oder Er?) von Marburg nach Freiburg. Von der Klein- in die Großstadt.
Ich stimme zu und freu mich an FREIburgs Namen und dem statistischen Versprechen, dass dies die sonnigste Stadt Deutschlands ist!
Ganz abgesehen von den 354 Tagen Sonnenschein im Jahr, den schnuggligen Gäßchen und Cafe´s erwarten mich dort 6-8 Mädels im besten pägagogischen Alter (16-20), um gemeinsam mit mir in einer harmonischen WG zu leben! ...
Na ja, harmonisch wahrscheinlich nicht immer und doch will ich Schönheit und Mut in diesen Mädels finden und sie ermutigen, ihren Blick immer öfter auf diese Seiten in sich zu richten. Ressourcenorientiert! -> Danke, Herr Rogers!
Noch ein Vesprechen bleibt in dem allen:
Gott sieht und versorgt. Ist treu und spricht.
Und so fahre ich die nächsten Tage hoffnungsvoll und voller Elan in die Stadt meiner Zukunft um das Zimmer meiner Träume (Altbau, Holzfussboden, hohe Decken, eigener Balkon, wundervolle und wundervoll kochende Mitbewohner(innen)...) zu finden.
Danach geht´s noch ab nach Frankreich, mit einem Bus voller Schwaben (oh, how i love the swabians!) in ein französisches Nest am Atlantik mit dem Namen St. Michel Chef Chef...wir werden sehen, ob wir noch mehr Merkwürdigkeiten unter den Franzosen entdecken.
Genug nun aber der news für heute! Vielleicht komme ich in Freiburg sogar mal dazu auf dieser Seite etwas mehr zu hinterlassen.
Außerdem habe ich beschlossen nach 3 Jahren Englandabwesenheit hier nun doch auf deutsch zu schreiben, i hope that works well for all you lovely germans out there!
So, Kaffeetrinken mit Eva Wille ruft, vielleicht kann sie mich sprachlich und mental noch auf Frankreich vorbereiten. "Boschuuur! Sawa?..."
Ich grüße Euch alle herzlich mit den zaghaften ersten Sonnenstrahlen nach einigen Regentagen aus Marburg und freu mich auf Lebenszeichen von Euch!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Spring has broken...

Lovely people arround Europe!

Amazing, that you keep on checking my blog, even my planing to write took me about half a year to fullfill...
A lot has happened in this last months... The most exciting thing on the outside surely is that i finaly got earings now (got some little silver ones with a little pearl inside, some details for the girlies here =) but the exciting things really happened and still happen inside.
Still the motto of my life is "I´m thinking so I am" and sometimes i find that very tiring, but! all these realisations, glimbses are changing me and tell me that life is good, God is good and He loves me- loves the world and is so much bigger than i can ever ever imagine! ...
Heard that all before? Well, yeah, me too, understanding it gives those words a good feeling, peace and hope, warmth and foundation, hmm... but still their lies a way ahead and i´m excited to see what´s causing my heart next to understand and be still.
One big thing i start to understand is that God is so much more human than i have ever thought and He really does understand us in all our weak and longing spots in life. Still, it is Him in which those needs are fullfilled and He longs to see us lightened and lifted in life- not burdened from perceptions how we think God wants us to please Him, but an honest heart that asks Him to show Himself and give us the rest and peace we long for.
It´s relationship He wants, it´s all about relationship, hmm...
Any thoughts on that? Let me know! (By the way, the pic is not so much an add for sanctus real, but a description of ones process in a simple, amazing way...)

Sum good last words:
My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches
of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
Col. 2,2&3
Bless ya all!

P.S.: Sarah, dear! Yes, you have to call me! =o) would so love to hear you, beautiful!
Be nice to your Nan, dear, will you? She loves you... just as i did and do!
P.P.S.: Laura, i miss you, too lovely... hey, when did you plan to come again? =o)

Monday, August 14, 2006

Holidays at home

Some news from my holidays, at the time i actually was just enjoying them:
"Hello lovely people!!!

Yes, got holidays, could you have guessed?!

I actually already have had 4 weeks, so the following 2 gonna be the last ones before my big "moving rooms" and being a disciplined second year student... well, i guess apart from the room, there won´t be so much difference in me being there... am i pessimistic? I guess i am...
but i´m kinda looking forward to Marburg, the mates, the new room, even the lectures i look forward too, its gonna be fun!
Oh, to the pic... well, i know it kinda looks like i was on the atlantic or something, but! with a friend from the college i got a lift just 25 min "down the road" from our house, and see what it looks like!!! Amazing, hey? I totaly forgot that i only live 20km from the Bodensee, well, no i didn´t really forgot that, but i did forget how gorgeous it was..."

I actually wanted to finish these news and "release" them on my blog just a few days after i wrote these lines, but ...never got round to actually finish and send them and now i´m already back in Marburg for 4 weeks!
And it´s good, life is good (i´m learning that at the moment =)! Moved into my new room in a lovely flat with lovely people, a huge kitchen and a big balcony... and really, i am still trying to be a disciplined student! Sometimes with more, at other times with less success, but that´s so fine -> another lesson i´m learning at the moment!!!

On Friday i visited a friend of mine from England (she has been living in Germany for the last year). She made cottage pie for us, i heard some BBC Radio 1on her laptop (remembering the cluster- drive times, the yellow car game, the horse rider at the castle just a few miles before Dawlish,...) and we talked about a book she just read a few weeks ago which was about english culture (sorry, forgot the title...). It´s about how english people behave and why,... "talking about the weather, hey..." =) Does anyone of you know this book? What do you think of it?
For me it sounded very interesting and i thought it would be a good one for foreigners in England to read before their stay in the country, too! =o) After talking about that book, we had a cup of english tea and watched Emma in english and since then i´m missing England and just wanna go back to visit all the nice places there, see amazing people i so miss here, have a roast dinner with roast potatoes for sunday lunch,...
And how are you people?! Any news from you part of the world?
I miss you and hope you´re having a good time wherever you are!
Be blessed!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Fussballweltmeisterschaft!!! well, try to read that out loud!

- is the word i would like to choose to describe how i experienced last night after Germany won against Poland in the extra time... i have to say that i´m not a very patriotic person and i´m sure that this is pretty much true for 92,5% of the german race... but yesterday... MAN ALIVE!!! the serious and cold (talking about stereotypes...) german people (yes, i´m one of them) went totally mental! people were on the streets everywhere and i serioulsy asked myself where all the german flags came from. One of my friends from the college decided to take us on a drive in her car through town with a flag in our hands, shouting with all the people who danced on the streets and cars we drove by. It felt good, but so wrong and funny at the same time... 2 months ago i saw a german flag for 3 euros in the Aldi and i thought i could actually just buy it, why not? But then, i put it back again in the self again, thinking this is wrong. then after a while thinking and as well discussing with a friend if you can just buy a german flag, i then bought it, thinking i won´t ever use it, but hey, i got one... and I used it yesterday!

Still i´m asking myself how it must feel to not think about if you can be patriotic or not. At the same time, i don´t know if i want to feel and understand it totaly...
Well, with a head full of thoughts (not only about german flags though), a partly joyfull german girl says
"God bless!" and have a wonderful June-weekend!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Long time, no write, many changes

Hello dears!

Thank ya guys for reading my last news and leaving a note, that was much appreciated and encouraged me (especially you, Miss Laura! thank ya!) to keep on writing in here every now and then.
Well, it has been a busy, exhausting last few months. School wanted paper handed in and exams to be written and many thoughts poped up into my head which made the school part in my life seem a bit like joining the gym. But many thoughts are caused by the mostly very interesting lessons. Especially the education lessons make me think a lot and have thrown me into most detailed thinking of past, present, future... it´s hard and i find myself stummbling and questioning a lot, though through all of it, God makes me see it as a proccess which is good i guess and where He still stands right beside me (yeah, try to remember, anne...).?! A friend of mine told me the wise sentence "suffering leads you to beauty", true i guess, hey?

England seems so far away at the moment. Find myself thinking about the people, trying to remember their faces, their laughter, ... the landscape of the most beautiful Devon! feel sad and so hope to go back there soon.

Guys, i´m so glad for the blogs to at least feel kind of up dated of whats going on in your lifes! though i would rather invite you for a talk and walk on the beach, well, hope these times will come again as well.

Well, its getting dark and i have a hard time keep my eyes open, as well tomorrow is a new day at the kindergarten (yeah!) for which i need a sensible amount of sleep, yeah, becoming a sensible adult! how borring is that? ... oh, the kindergarten is a 6 weeks internship and i´m loving it! Loving the children helps melting the most stubborn little heart, good experiences, maybe more notes on it next time.

2 good bible verse i want to share for refreshing and reminding:
Isa. 41, 10 as well as Isa. 49,16! There amazing, please look it up!
God bless and keep ya guys!
Lot´s of love
anne <><

Friday, January 20, 2006

It´s been a while since my first and last blog news...
as i know i will never be as disciplined to use this blog everyday as kind of a diary, i kind of already forgot about it these last months.
Cheers guys for your comments, was really good to hear from you! was checking your blogs and saw that you were just as lazy =), well i mean busy of course!

Was doing alright these last months! Challenged big time by the whole new situation at bible college, there´s a lot to think about, pray, talk and i´m quite excited to what God is gonna mould me into in these next few years in Marburg.

General news of the day: Was missing England these last days so much that i looked into just for fun and to see that i could actually afford a flight, well at least the flight to London Stansted, which didn´t really help to be honest...was looking at my pictures yesterday for about an hour and listened to Black and white town, killers, oasis... well...
Oh, Cornwall in the sunshine were to worst ones, as the weather here just cries for a bad mood.

Hope some better news gonna follow sometime, hopefully a bit sooner then!

Cheers for popin by! Have a great weekend and
be blessed with the amazing verse of 1.Pet. 5. 6+7 (well, yeah, you have to go to now!)